How much does it cost to send a courier to Malaysia?

How much is the shipping cost to Malaysia? How much is the Guangzhou-Malaysia express fee? How much is the tax from China express to Malaysia? How much is the postage for express delivery to Malaysia? How much is the ems to Malaysia tax package? How much is express to Malaysia? China to Malaysia How much is it? How much is the express from Guangzhou to Malaysia? How much is the express from China to Malaysia? How much is a 4kg item from Guangzhou Express to Malaysia? How much is the express delivery to Malaysia? How much is the shipping cost from China to Malaysia? How much does it cost to ship to Malaysia? How much does it cost to ship from Hangzhou to Malaysia? How much does it cost to ship from Shanghai to Malaysia? How much does it cost to ship to Malaysia?

China Express Malaysia can take many courier services, such as DHL \ TNT \ UPS \ FEDEX \ EMS, etc., as well as Malaysia special lines, each courier company charges different standards, so the cost of sending courier to Malaysia is also different. In addition, the courier fee is also related to the nature of the goods. For example, sensitive goods will be more expensive than general goods. These are normal.

If the charge is sent to Malaysia 10KGS, it is about RMB500 + DG500; if a document is sent to Malaysia, it is about 120; if the food is sent to Hong Kong EMS, a small amount of goods is about 450 yuan. Built-in battery products cost more than RMB 70 / kg. LED lights go DHL, 15kg is about RMB930, aging for 3 days. The larger the volume, the lower the courier unit price. The specific cost needs to be confirmed with OES customer service.

多少 How much is the tax from China Express to Malaysia?

99.3% of Malaysian tariff is ad valorem duty, 0.7% is specific duty, mixed duty and option duty. In 2005, the simple average tariff rate of Malaysia's most-favoured-nation tariff was about 8.1%. Tariffs on basic foods are very low, not exceeding 5%. The average tax rate for major goods is about 5%. Tax rates for intermediate products and transportation equipment average below 20%. The tax rate for consumer goods is higher, some as high as 60%. The tariff rate of high-priced motor vehicles is higher than 100%.

In addition, Malaysian imports are subject to a 5% surcharge based on CIF value. Some basic goods such as fish, cereals, salt, petroleum products, rubber, paper and printed matter are exempt from additional taxes. Consumption taxes on beer, alcohol and other beverages, tobacco, gasoline, mineral oil and sugar, tires, playing cards, air conditioners, batteries, television receivers, motor vehicles and motorcycles, matches, etc. are levied on ad valorem or ad valorem basis.

Malaysia: If the recipient holds a tax-exempt certificate and needs to apply for tax-free import, it must be clearly indicated on the delivery list (preferably on the waybill) and the shipping agent must be clearly notified before shipment, so as to notify Local arrangements.

Malaysia banned imports, including proprietary Chinese medicines containing borneol and aconite components, 45 plant medicines and 13 animal and mineral medicines.